Source code for

This script contains results for the /news module

Sample JSON output formats for the function returns
News object return value: JSON formatted
    "news_id": 0,
    "period": 0,
    "tick": 0,
    "ticker": "string",
    "headline": "string",
    "body": "string"
Parameters for the news GET HTTP request
- since     number        (query)
- limit     number        (query)


# Make sure the RIT client uses the same 9999 port
host_url = 'http://localhost:9999'
base_path = '/v1'
base_url = host_url + base_path

[docs]class ApiException(Exception): """ to print error messages and stop the program when needed """ pass
[docs]class News(): """ case_response is a json obj returned from the API get request """ def __init__(self, news_response): self.news_id = news_response["news_id"] self.period = news_response["period"] self.tick = news_response["tick"] self.ticker = news_response["ticker"] self.headline = news_response["headline"] self.body = news_response["body"] def __repr__(self): return self.news_id + ' ' + self.headline def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def _get_news_json(ses, since=None, limit=None): """ function requires a requests.Session() object as the ses argument with a loaded API_KEY since = Retrieves only news items after a particular news id. limit = Result set limit, counts backwards from the most recent news item. Defaults to 20. """ payload = {} if since is not None and limit is not None: payload = {'since': since, 'limit': limit} elif since is not None: payload = {'since': since} elif limit is not None: payload = {'limit': limit} response = ses.get(base_url + "/news", params=payload) if response.ok: news_json = response.json() # returns all attributes of the news json response object return news_json raise ApiException('Authorization Error: Please check API key.') def _news_response_handle(news_json): news_dict = {News(news_obj).news_id: News(news_obj) for news_obj in news_json} return news_dict
[docs]def news_dict(ses, since_id=None, limit_itm=None): """ function that returns the news object """ return _news_response_handle(_get_news_json( ses, since=since_id, limit=limit_itm))
[docs]def news_json(ses, since_id=None, limit_itm=None): """ returns a list of JSON fomratted output for news object """ return _get_news_json(ses, since=since_id, limit=limit_itm)