Source code for ritpytrading.orders

order return object attributes
param possible order attributes: JSON formatted
i.e. get_order_response( ses, url_end, param="order_id" )
    "order_id": 1221,
    "period": 1,
    "tick": 10,
    "trader_id": "trader49",
    "ticker": "CRZY",
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "quantity": 100,
    "action": "BUY",
    "price": 14.21,
    "quantity_filled": 10,
    "vwap": 14.21,
    "status": "OPEN"

# Make sure the RIT client uses the same 9999 port
host_url = 'http://localhost:9999'
base_path = '/v1'
base_url = host_url + base_path

[docs]class ApiException(Exception): """ to print error messages and stop the program when needed """ pass
[docs]class Order(): """ order_response is a json obj returned from the API get request """ def __init__(self, order_response): self.order_id = order_response["order_id"] self.period = order_response["period"] self.tick = order_response["tick"] self.trader_id = order_response["trader_id"] self.ticker = order_response["ticker"] self.type = order_response["type"] self.quantity = order_response["quantity"] self.action = order_response["action"] self.price = order_response["price"] self.quantity_filled = order_response["quantity_filled"] self.vwap = order_response["vwap"] self.status = order_response["status"] def __repr__(self): return (self.action + '_' + self.quantity + '_' + self.ticker + '_' + self.price + '__' + self.order_id) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def _get_orders_json(ses, url_end, order_status='OPEN', order_id=None): """ function requires a requests.Session() object as the ses argument with a loaded API_KEY order status can be OPEN, TRANSACTED or CANCELLED Json return mode is set to 0/Off by default """ # to query all orders if url_end == '/orders': payload = {'status': order_status} response = ses.get((base_url + url_end), params=payload) # to query just one order elif url_end == '/orders/{}': response = ses.get((base_url + url_end).format(order_id)) if response.ok: orders_json = response.json() # Return orders json output unformatted return orders_json raise ApiException('Authorization Error: Please check API key.') def _orders_response_handle(orders_json, url_end): if url_end == '/orders/{}': orders_obj = Order(orders_json) return orders_obj if url_end == '/orders': orders_dict = {(Order(ord)).order_id: Order(ord) for ord in orders_json} return orders_dict
[docs]def order(ses, orderId, status='OPEN'): """ status can be OPEN, TRANSACTED or CLOSED status OPEN by default returns a Order object of the order class given an order id """ return _orders_response_handle(_get_orders_json( ses, '/orders/{}', status, order_id=orderId), '/orders/{}')
[docs]def orders_json(ses, status='OPEN'): """ returns all the attribs of all orders in a json type list format """ return _get_orders_json(ses, '/orders', status, order_id=None)
[docs]def orders_dict(ses, status='OPEN'): """ returns all the orders as a dict with the order_ids as key """ return _orders_response_handle(_get_orders_json( ses, '/orders', status, order_id=None), '/orders')