Source code for ritpytrading.securities

The securities HTTP module gets a list of available securities
and associated positions.

securities object attribute values: JSON formatted
    "ticker": "string",
    "type": "SPOT",
    "size": 0,
    "position": 0,
    "vwap": 0,
    "nlv": 0,
    "last": 0,
    "bid": 0,
    "bid_size": 0,
    "ask": 0,
    "ask_size": 0,
    "volume": 0,
    "unrealized": 0,
    "realized": 0,
    "currency": "string",
    "total_volume": 0,
    "limits": [
        "name": "string",
        "units": 0
    "interest_rate": 0,
    "is_tradeable": true,
    "is_shortable": true,
    "start_period": 0,
    "stop_period": 0

Parameters for the securities GET HTTP request
- ticker* required string   (query)


# Make sure the RIT client uses the same 9999 port
host_url = 'http://localhost:9999'
base_path = '/v1'
base_url = host_url + base_path

[docs]class ApiException(Exception): """ to print error messages and stop the program when needed """ pass
[docs]class Security(): """ Security class takes a security_response object ( a list of json objects ) as its initializing paramenter to extract all relevant information security_response is a json obj returned from the API get request """ def __init__(self, security_response): self.ticker = security_response["ticker"] self.type = security_response["type"] self.size = security_response["size"] self.position = security_response["position"] self.vwap = security_response["vwap"] self.nlv = security_response["nlv"] self.last = security_response["last"] = security_response["bid"] self.bid_size = security_response["bid_size"] self.ask = security_response["ask"] self.ask_size = security_response["ask_size"] self.volume = security_response["volume"] self.unrealized = security_response["unrealized"] self.realized = security_response["realized"] self.currency = security_response["currency"] self.total_volume = security_response["total_volume"] self.limits = security_response["limits"] self.interest_rate = security_response["interest_rate"] self.is_tradeable = security_response["is_tradeable"] self.is_shortable = security_response["is_shortable"] self.start_period = security_response["start_period"] self.stop_period = security_response["stop_period"] def __repr__(self): return self.ticker def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def _get_security_json(ses, ticker): """ gets the list of all available securities or of a particular security if its ticker is supplied """ if ticker is not None: payload = {'ticker': ticker} response = ses.get(base_url + '/securities', params=payload) else: response = ses.get(base_url + '/securities') if response.ok: # this sets a list of all available securities in a JSON format return response.json() raise ApiException('Authorization Error: Please check API key.') def _security_response_handle(sec_info_json): """ return a order_dict dict of Security class objects """ order_dict = {(Security(order)).ticker: Security(order) for order in sec_info_json} # returns a dict of security obj of the security class # with ticker ticker names as keys return order_dict
[docs]def security_dict(ses, ticker_sym=None): """ By default no specific ticker_sym is None returns the list of available securities as a dict of security objects with ticker name as keys """ return _security_response_handle(_get_security_json(ses, ticker_sym))
[docs]def security_json(ses, ticker_sym=None): """ returns the list of available securities with all info in a json format """ return _get_security_json(ses, ticker_sym)