Source code for ritpytrading.securities_history

The /securities/history module gets the OHLC history for a security.

functions related to the history of a security
securities_history object attribute values: JSON formatted
    "tick": 11,
    "open": 4.12,
    "high": 4.21,
    "low": 4.1,
    "close": 4.15

Parameters for the securities_history GET HTTP request

- ticker* required string   (query)
- period number             (query)
Period to retrieve data from. Defaults to the current period.
- limit number              (query)
Result set limit, counting backwards from the most recent tick.
Defaults to retrieving the entire period.

# Make sure the RIT client uses the same 9999 port
host_url = 'http://localhost:9999'
base_path = '/v1'
base_url = host_url + base_path

[docs]class ApiException(Exception): """ to print error messages and stop the program when needed """ pass
[docs]class Security_History(): """ sec_history is a json obj returned from the API get request """ def __init__(self, sec_history): self.tick = sec_history["tick"] = sec_history["open"] self.high = sec_history["high"] self.low = sec_history["low"] self.close = sec_history["close"] def __repr__(self): return self.tick def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def _get_sec_history_json(ses, ticker_sym, period_num=None, lim_num=None): """ period_num is the period to retrive data from. Defaults to current period. lim_num = Result set limit, counting backwards from the most recent tick. Defaults to retrieving the entire period. """ # checking for optional paramaters payload = {} if period_num is None and lim_num is None: payload = {'ticker': ticker_sym} elif lim_num is None: payload = {'ticker': ticker_sym, 'period number': period_num} elif period_num is None: payload = {'ticker': ticker_sym, 'limit number': lim_num} else: payload = {'ticker': ticker_sym, 'limit number': lim_num, 'period number': period_num} response = ses.get(base_url + '/securities/history', params=payload) if response.ok: # return all parameters in a JSON format # sec_history_json return response.json() def _sec_history_response_handle(sec_history_json): """ function to return a sec_history_dict dict with Security_History obj as values """ sec_history_dict = {Security_History(sec_hist).tick: Security_History( sec_hist) for sec_hist in sec_history_json} return sec_history_dict
[docs]def security_history_dict(ses, ticker_sym, period_numb=None, lim_numb=None): """ function to get values of different parameters """ return _sec_history_response_handle(_get_sec_history_json( ses, ticker_sym, period_num=period_numb, lim_num=lim_numb))
[docs]def security_history_json(ses, ticker_sym, period_numb=None, lim_numb=None): """ get all full JSON response for the securities history get request """ return _get_sec_history_json( ses, ticker_sym, period_num=period_numb, lim_num=lim_numb)