Source code for ritpytrading.submit_cancel_orders

# module to include different types of orders that can be submitted
# The API key can be found at lower right corner
# in the API section of the RIT client

# Make sure the RIT client uses the same 9999 port
host_url = 'http://localhost:9999'
base_path = '/v1'
base_url = host_url + base_path

[docs]class ApiException(Exception): """ to print error messages and stop the program when needed """ pass
# IMPORTANT # A requests.Session() object must be passed as the ses argument for each order # type function. The requests.Session() object should deal with registering # the API_KEY in the main function
[docs]def market_order(ses, ticker, side, quantity): """ submitting a market order side = BUY/SELL function requires a requests.Session() object as the ses argument with a loaded API_KEY """ mkt_order_params = {'ticker': ticker, 'type': 'MARKET', 'quantity': quantity, 'action': side} response = + '/orders', params=mkt_order_params) if response.ok: mkt_order = response.json() orderId = mkt_order['order_id'] print('%s %s Market order was submitted and has ID %d' % (side, quantity, orderId)) if response.status_code == 429: print('Error: Orders submitted too frequently.') else: raise ApiException('Authorization Error: Please check API key.')
[docs]def limit_order(ses, ticker, side, quantity, price): """ function requires a requests.Session() object as the ses argument with a loaded API_KEY """ lim_order_params = {'ticker': ticker, 'type': 'LIMIT', 'quantity': quantity, 'price': price, 'action': side} response = + '/orders', params=lim_order_params) if response.ok: lim_order = response.json() orderId = lim_order['order_id'] print("%s %s Limit order was submitted and has ID %d " % (side, quantity, orderId)) elif response.status_code == 429: print('Error: Orders submitted too frequently.') else: raise ApiException('Authorization Error: Please check API key.')
[docs]def cancel_order(ses, order_id): """ function requires a requests.Session() object as the ses argument with a loaded API_KEY """ response = ses.delete((base_url + '/orders/{}').format(order_id)) if response.ok: status = response.json() success = status['success'] if success: print('Order ' + order_id + ' was successfully cancelled.') else: print('Order ' + order_id + ' was not successfully cancelled.') else: raise ApiException('Authorization Error: Please check API key.')
# if all_flag = 1 then all open orders are cancelled # set all_flag = 0 to cancel only select orders # By default all_flag is set to 0 # price_direc and volume_direc has a value of [ <, <=, >, >= or = ]
[docs]def cancel_order_bulk( ses, price_direc, price_lim, volume_direc, volume_lim, all_flag=0): """ Volume < 0 for cancelling all open sell orders and Volume > 0 for cancelling all open buy orders query_gen example 'Price < 20.0 AND Volume > 0' """ query_gen = 'Price ' + price_direc + ' ' + price_lim + \ ' AND ' + ' Volume ' + ' ' + volume_direc + ' ' + volume_lim cancel_params = {'all': all_flag, 'query': query_gen} response = + '/commands/cancel', params=cancel_params) if response.ok: status = response.json() cancelled = status['cancelled_order_ids'] print('Cancelled orders:', cancelled) else: raise ApiException('Authorization Error: Please check API key.')